Medlemsmøte fredag 8. mars

Velkommen til medlemsmøte - Wisdom of Changes

St. Halvardsgate 25b fredag 8. mars kl 19:00

Vi viser dokumentarfilmen "Wisdom of Changes" av Bettina Wilhelm datter av Richard Wilhelm. om den berømte oversetteren av I Ching og andre klassiske kinesiske skrifter.

"Richard Wilhelm came to China as a young missionary in 1899, a time when the country was under the exploitation of the colonial powers. He lived through revolts against foreigners, the passing of the imperial dynasties and the First World War. During these times of turbulent upheaval, he never ceased his quest for the deepest truths that may help mankind to cope with change and to shape their own lives. Richard Wilhelm did not baptize a single Chinese. Instead he accomplished some of the most significant translations of the 20th century that made available to the west CONFUCIUS, LAOTSE and other classical texts of DAOISM and most importantly the I CHING, THE BOOK OF CHANGES, the book that above all has served as an inspiration to so many western readers. Wilhelm remains one of the most distinguished mediators of Chinese culture in the West today. Like C.G. Jung, with whom he was friends from the 1920s, Richard Wilhelm went in search of the universal wisdoms of mankind, those that resist the changes of history."

"The focus now should be on the I Ching and its usefulness for our modern time." sier Pamela Hiley

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