Norwegian Taiji Centre 40 Years Jubilee Celebrations 1983-2023

Building Bridges with the Breath - Wales - Norway - China

The Norwegian Taiji Centre has had the honour to serve Norway the practice of Taijiquan for 40 years. An insightful and sophisticated practice for health and well being.

Through a beautiful synchronicity Pamela met The First Minister of Wales, Mark Drakeford last year (2022) and was invited to celebrate the Jubilee in the oldest Peace Temple in the world in Cardiff. 

A delegation of 40 students travelled to Wales in May to experience the home stead of Pamela and feel and breath the nature and lineage of the Welsh people and bring Taiji back home to Bridgend. What a fantastic journey it was.

We present to you here the documentation of the trip in film and pictures with reports of the journey and Peace conference which we co-created in collaboration with the Welsh Centre for International Affairs.

We also had a follow up Symposium in September at the The Norwegian Nobel Institute, with an exhibition on Chinese writing from China in collaboration with the National Chinese Friendship Association.

We hope you will enjoy these reflections and reports which can contribute to building a deeper knowledge and undertsanding about the benefits of Taiji practice.

How it can heal across cultures and people for a more enlightened path to living together in pact with nature and nurturing the diversity within the humanity that we are.


Table of Contents

1. In Search of the Dao Wales Tour 13th - 20th May, 2023

2. Wales Conference Temple of Peace and Health 19th May, 2023

3. Norwegian Nobel Institute Symposium 1st September, 2023

4. Exhibition Chinese Writing (Hanzi) and Civilization 1st September, 2023

5. Seeds of Silence Popups 2023

6. 40 Years Jubilee Celebration at Norwegian Taiji Centre 1st December, 2023

In Search of the Dao Wales Tour 13th - 20th May, 2023



Reports and pictures of our inspirational journey to Wales and Temple of Peace and Health.

Norwegian Taiji Centre Report "In Search of the Dao" Wales Tour 2023

Power Point Pictures from the Tour 

Gallery photos from the tour 

Film of the Welsh Tour


New Perspectives and Learning on the Nature of Peace


Temple of Peace and Health 19th May, 2023



Welsh Conference Report from the Welsh Temple of Peace and Health 

Roundtables/ World Café


Norwegian Nobel Institute Symposium 1st September, 2023


The Norwegian Nobel Institute is the host of our Celebratory Symposium with wise and honourable speakers.

Invitation and program

Round Clusters 

Norwegian Taiji Centre Report from Symposium

Welsh Centre of International Affairs Report

Gallery photos from Nobel Institute and Exhibition

Film of the days events


Exhibition and Lecture at Norwegian Taiji Centre 1st September, 2023



This was a collaboration between The Chinese Friendship Association, Norwegian Chinese Friendship Association and The Norwegian Taiji Centre -Celebrating 40 years of serching for Dao with a language of Peace - Taijiquan

It was a remarkable meeting of experts form Anyang, the home of Chinese writing. NTS had already visited Anyang on three occassions and were able to share our experieneces and joy to receive this exhibition which helps to anchor our communication across Civilisations.


Link to the Exhibition

Anyang Power Point

Film of the Chinese Language Exhibition and evening event



40 Years Jubilee Celebration at Norwegian Taiji Centre 1st December, 2023


Reunion photos from celebrations


Seeds of Silence Popups 2023



Seeds of Silence is the practice of Taijiquan in the environment to drop seeds of quietude and resonance within nature and the environment to strengthen man being one with nature.

Our popups practice made the trail of practice we have shared over 40 years in Oslo. 


Norwegian Taiji Centre 40 Years Seeds of Silence 1983-2023


40 år med NTS i Norge!  

En bevegelse for fred

Felles tur til Wales

13.-20.Mai 2023

Itinerary Here:


13th May Departure from Norway

2:30 pm – Meet at ”Norwegian Meeting Point” for check-in with Norwegian DYI308 Oslo: 16:40 Gatwick: 18:00
Bus to Cardiff approximately 3 1⁄2 hours to Cardiff Clayton Hotel

14th May - Exploring
8:30 am – Bus leaves for Big Pit National Coal Museum with Seeds of Silence practice.
12:40 pm– Steam Train.
1:45 pm – Bus leaves for to Bridgend (Pamela’s hometown). 3:00 pm – Reception at the Methodist Church with Jane Bowser and Mayor of Bridgend. 5:00 pm – Return to Cardiff and the evening free.

15th May - Exploring
8:30am – Bus leaves for Brecon Beacons Seeds of Silence practice, tree planting. Talk on the National Park with Aled Jones, Chair of the National Park Authorities.
1 1⁄2 hour walk in the Brecon Beacons National Park - Explore the visitors Centre.
5:00 pm – Return to Cardiff and the evening free.

16th May - Exploring
8:30 am – Bus for National Botanical Garden United Nations Day of Living Together in Peace, Seeds of Silence practice. 7:15 pm – Bus to Jubilee Dinner at the St. Davids Hotel.

17 mai frokost! HURRAAAAA
9:15 am – Bus leaves for St. Fagans Welsh Folk Museum with Seeds of Silence.
1:15 pm – Bus leaves St. Fagans for Tour of the Welsh Parliament Senedd 2 pm with Seeds of Silence
4:30 pm – Meet at Millennium Centre with flag for 17. mai tog to Norwegian Church in Cardiff Bay. Ja vi elsker!
Free evening.

18th May

9:00 am to 5:00 pm – Welsh Temple of Peace pre-conference teaching with Pamela and local Taiji Master Richard Farmer. Rose Bush Ceremony in Garden of Peace with WCIA

19th May - Conference Day
9:00 am - 4:30 pm Global Conference ”New Perspectives and Learning on the Nature of Peace”.
6:00 pm - 8:00 pm Jubilee Celebratory Reception with our hosts WCIA - Cultural performances from Wales and Norway.

20th May - Departure
9:00 am – Visit Cardiff Castle or free time for shopping.
1:00 pm – Leaving from Cardiff museum to arrive at Gatwick Airport for our flight home.
Norwegian DYI 309 London: 18:40/Oslo: 21:45

Restoring the Roots of Humanity!

40 års markering - Et budskap om fred

Nå vender endelig Pamela blikket tilbake til røttene sine - turen går til de majestetiske slettene av Wales. Rett ved Pamelas fødested, landsbyen Bridgend, ligger det eldste fredstempelet i verden, The Temple of Peace. 


The First Minister av Wales , Mark Drakeford, var på norgesbesøk i sommer og møtte Pamela på 100-års feiringen av Urdd sin årlige fredsbeskjed til verden, skrevet av ungdommen i Wales.

I dypet av dette møtet viste det seg en felles visjon om fred i verden, og resulterte i at dørene til Fredstempelet åpnet seg for NTS. Det er også grunnstenen for et nært samarbeid om den kommende 40års feiringen og en konferanse for fred:

Conference - Peace moves with climate and nature emergencies 

Konferansen vil finne sted i Temple of Peace and Health i Cardiff, Wales.

Vil du være med?

NTS reiser med en delegasjon til Cardiff i Mai 2023. Turen gir også rom for praktisering av taiji, og flere turer til kjente steder i nærområdet. Det blir også stor stas med 17.Mai feiring i den Norske sjømannskirken og besøk på de walisiske folkemuseum. 

Sett av 13. - 20.Mai 2023 

Pamela inviterer deg til å delta på denne unike begivenheten. Mer detaljert informasjon blir sent til de som melder interesse til før 5.Desember.

Det er et begrenset antall plasser.

Alternativt vil det også være mulig å kun delta på selve konferansen og fredsfeiringen 18. og 19.Mai. Da er du som deltaker ansvarlig for egen reise- og overnattingsbooking.  

Vi gleder oss stort - Softnesss is stronger than hardness

NTS komiteen og Pamela

Webmaster: Alexander Brill