Winter Solstice Celebration 21 december 2018 - 18.00

Winter Solstice Celebration 21 December 2018

Water Photo Exhibition - Norsk Taiji Senter Film Launch - Sound Labrynth


18.00 Opening of Song of Silence photo exhibition by artist Rico Besserdich with Seeds of Silence   

18.30 Gloabl launch of Norsk Taiji Senter film True to Life by William Jobling 

19.00 Juleqi grøt and gløgg

19.30 Ceremonial Concert and Celebration of the Winter Solstice with She Gong and Friends

 Mats Graf and Karina Horseth called MovementMeditation, bringers of Extraordinary Transformational Tools, will join Pamela Hiley and She Gong for a ceremonial celebration of the winter solstice.They will bring the Sun Gong, known to give the listener an experience of dissolving the sense of duality, perfect for winter solstice. Profound playing of the gongs and musical instruments will take us through a sound labyrinth in deep transformational frequencies for peace and abundance into the new cycle of the sun.

 A wonderful conclusion of the year for Mother Earth to plant  "Seeds of Silence" with the "Song of Silence" all being "True to Life" for a fresh transition into 2019.

Join us on this Winter Solstice to celebrate together Dao Now - registration

Vernissage is free with photo exhibition and film launch

Price for Ceremonial Concert 

Kr.300,- members

Kr.400,- non-members


Donation welcome for a Daonation



Webmaster: Alexander Brill